Thursday, 30 May 2013

a wonderful poem!

a wonderful poem!
A Wonderful Poem!Today, upon a bus, Isaw a very beautiful woman And wished I were asbeautiful. When suddenly sherose to leave, I saw her hobbledown the aisle. She had one leg andwore a crutch. But as she passed,she passed a smile. Oh, God, forgive mewhen I whine. I have two legs; theworld is mine. I stopped to buysome candy. The lad who sold ithad such charm. I talked with him,he seemed so glad. If I were late, it'ddo no harm. And as I left, hesaid to me, "I thank you, you've been so kind.It's nice to talkwith folks like you. You see," hesaid, "I'm blind." Oh, God, forgive mewhen I whine. I have two eyes; theworld is mine. Later while walkingdown the street, I saw a child Iknew. He stood and watchedthe others play, but he did not knowwhat to do. I stopped a momentand then I said, "Why don't youjoin them dear?" He looked aheadwithout a word. I forgot, hecouldn't hear. Oh, God, forgive mewhen I whine. I have two ears; theworld is mine. With feet to take mewhere I'd go.. With eyes to see thesunset's glow. With ears to hearwhat I'd know. Oh, God, forgive mewhen I whine. I've been blessedindeed, the world is mine. If this poem makesyou feel thankful, just forward it to your friends. After all, it's justa simple reminder that we have so much to be thankful for! Give the gift oflove. It never comes back empty !

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